
Students will be able to enter the building at 7:20 am
Tardy bell will ring this year at 7:35 am
7:35-7:45 Character Education
7:45-8:45 Math
8:45-9:00 Juice and Snack
9:00-11:00 Language Arts (Whole Group, Small Group, Spelling, Language and Reading/Writing Block)
11:00-11:40 Physical Education
11:45-12:15 RtI Time (Meet with small groups or one on one)
12:17-12:42 Lunch (Table 1) Ice Machine Line
12:42-1:00 Teacher Read Aloud
1:00-2:15 Social Sciences
2:20 Dismissal
 Counseling (Ms. Bush) Week 1; Friday, 10:15-10:55.
 Music (Mrs. Galanopoulos) Week 2; Friday, 10:15-10:55.
 Library (Mrs. McConnell) Week 2; Wednesday, 10:00-30

Computer Lab: Every Thursday, 8:30-9:05